
Hello! I am Nguyen Tuan Dung. I'm an aspiring Engineer and Entrepreneur

I am a student in my penultimate year pursuing a double major in Mechanical Engineering and Innovation & Design at the National University of Singapore. I am passionate about understanding the gaps in our society and tackling them through technology and entrepreneurship. I am also interested in creating positive change through the employment of investment and venture capital. As someone who firmly believes that ones must become the change they want to see, together with like-minded friends, I am co-founding 2 startups: HiveBotics and MyBelle.

Outside of work and studies, I love cooking, football and playing guitar. I also enjoy learning about politics, philosophy and social issues. My perfect Sunday morning constitutes of a cup of Vietnamese coffee, kaya butter toast, and deep discussion of various social topics with close friends.

Basic Information
(+65) 84045239
U-town Residence, 36 College Ave E, Singapore, 138600
English, Vietnamese
Professional Skills
CAD Design
Programming (Python, C++)
Sustainability Analysis
Investment Analysis
Work Experience

June 2021 - Present



HiveBotics is a robotics startup based in Singapore. Our vision sees a future where menial tasks and hard labor are done by our fleet of autonomous robots controlled through a cloud management system. Currently, we are focusing on building an autonomous bathroom cleaning system for the commercial sector.

Currently, we are participating in the NUS Graduate Research Innovation Program (GRIP), an accelerator program from the National University of Singapore which focuses on deep tech startups. Learn More

September 2020 - Present



  • MyBelle is a team of innovators and scientists from around the world which focuses on providing equal access to affordable and quality healthcare to people around the globe through social enterprise.
  • Developing a digital solution to alleviate the high maternal mortality death in Nigeria.
  • Grand Winner at the Fishbowl Challenge and awarded USD 25,000 in seed funds.
  • Role: Team Strategy & Management, Technical Development (UI/UX & Software), Finance & Accounting.
  • Learn More

    May 2021 - August 2021

    Sustainability Analyst

    Panarchy Partners

  • Perform sustainability analysis for 62 companies following Panarchy Partners' Resilience Framework.
  • Upgrade and Automate the company's resilience database.
  • Conduct a research on the Hydrogen Economy and Potential Investment Opportunities. Produced an extensive presentation and a 5000 words report.
  • Learn More

    December 2020 - February 2021

    Business Consultant


  • Perform Market Research & Analysis to produce business intelligence for clients.
  • Focus: Pharmaceutical cold chain, commercial and industrial refrigeration, reefer vehicles & advanced materials.
  • June 2020 - December 2020

    Research Assistant in Biomedical Engineering

    National University of Singapore

    Topic of research: Nasopharyngeal and Oropharyngeal Swab.
  • Designed new self-administered swab for COVID-19 testing.
  • Adapted kinematic chain concepts into developable surfaces to create cooperative and compliant mechanism.
  • Scientific journal published with Frontiers Publisher. Learn More
  • December 2018 - May 2019

    Mathematics Trainer

    Anglo-Chinese School Independent

  • Compiled a mathematics book (200 pages) used for lessons.
  • Taught and mentored members of the school’s Olympiads mathematics team.
  • Started a YouTube channel and updated it with videos of mathematics lessons twice weekly.
  • Education

    August 2019 - Present

    Bachelor Degree
    B.Eng Mechanical Engineering, 2nd Major in Innovation & Design

    national University of Singapore

  • Robotics Specialisation with focus in Robot Intelligence (Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence).
  • On track to achieve First Class Honour.
  • ASEAN Scholarship Recipient.
  • Current Cumulative Average Point (CAP): 4.91/5.
  • August 2019 - May 2021

    Undergraduate Program
    Ridge View Residential College Undergraduate Program

    national University of Singapore

  • Program Focus: Sustainability & Environment
  • Leadership team I joined: House Committee Publicity Team
  • Some activities I enjoyed: Walk for Rice, Bird Watching at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, Nature Trail at Central Catchment Nature Reserve and Bukit Timah Nature Reserve.
  • Interest Group I participated in: football, baking, badminton, touch rugby
  • January 2017 - November 2018

    High School
    International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma

    Anglo-Chinese School (Independent)

  • A*STAR Scholarship Recipient.
  • Received the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma – Results: 44/45.
  • Social Work

    September 2019 - May 2021

    Heads of Funding & Marketing

    Operation Orion

    Operation Orion is an Oversea Volunteer Initiative under National University of Singapore. In 2019, Operation Orion built two houses and one bridge for a local village in Hoa Tan, Vietnam while also providing Science and English lesson at a local Primary School. In 2020, due to travel restriction, we moved our volunteer work online and partnered with the Warm Hearts Foundation from Thailand. For 4 weeks, we provided daily online lessons & cultural exchange activities to the youths residing at their care center.

    My role at Orion:
  • Developed Operation Orion’s network and connected with external groups and organizations.
  • Sourced for sponsorship and donations.
  • Managed finance (funding allocation, monitor cashflow, balance sheet, etc).
  • Learn More

    October 2017 - June 2018



    Together with a group of friend, I initiated a non-profit group called ThinkSingapore. The aim of our group is to raise awareness among Vietnamese students on opportunities to study in Singapore.

    In our first year, we started a Facebook website which served as an information and communication hub. We also organised a conference to spread information on scholarship opportunities in Singapore for Vietnamese students and attracted over 200 parents and students.

    ThinkSingapore is now managed by a group of younger students and seek to continue helping more Vietnamese students. Learn More

    February 2017 - October 2018

    Tutor Leader

    Heartware Network

    For 2 years I volunteered as a tutor at Heartware Network. My main role was to teach maths and science to primary school students coming from less fortunate background. In my second year, I was also promoted to become a Tutor Leader which tasked me an extra duty of managing the group of tutors assigned to the primary school I was teaching at.

    Contact Me
    Feel free to contact me


    U-town Residence, 36 College Ave E, Singapore, 138600


    (+65) 84045239

